Self-help Work

Slow Is the New Cool: Why You Need to Embrace Slow Living

In a fast-paced world where we are constantly rushing against time, we need to pause and ask ourselves if this is a desirable way of living. Learn how to live more mindfully and intentionally with the art of slow living, without sacrificing efficiency and productivity.

Addicted by Speed: The Fast Living Syndrome

Why does society detest slowness and the concept of slow living? Why is speed considered attractive, while slowness is not similarly embraced?

Let us be honest, we have all been culpable of at least one of these: getting frustrated over sluggish internet speeds or delayed deliveries from Lazada or Shopee, grumbling about the dreadful traffic during rush hours, turning to instant noodles because of a busy workday, and maybe the most outrageous of all, binge-watching Netflix at double speed because we are too busy for entertainment but refuse to compromise on leisure time.

Working adult looking at time, rushing work

These behaviours are symptoms of the “fast living syndrome”. Many of us unknowingly suffer from “time sickness”, a term coined by physician and writer Larry Dossey, which is the pervasive belief that time is constantly slipping away and perpetually insufficient.

Why do we always find ourselves in a perpetual rush? Is living at a breakneck pace the way to go? While it is undeniable that a fast-paced lifestyle can yield various advantages, such as increased efficiency, personal growth and a heightened sense of accomplishment, distressing trends are emerging.

These include children as young as 5 grappling with stress-related conditions including insomnia and eating disorders, and a drastic decline of average human attention span. Additionally, one in three Malaysians suffer from mental health issues, and over half of Malaysian workers are wrestling with burnout. These trends suggest that it is time for us to re-evaluate the significance we have attributed to living life in the fast lane.

How Did We Become Obsessed With Speed?

How did our appetite for speed and aversion to slowness evolve? This question has ties to the party in power. In ancient Greek and Roman cultures, leisure held a place of great reverence, serving as a window for the flourishing of intellectual, cultural and philosophical pursuits. The tables turned in the era of industrial capitalism. Under the rule of the bourgeoisie, we witnessed a significant shift in power dynamics. This period strongly emphasised individualism, hard work and productivity, all to the advantage of the powerful.

In contemporary society, the control and regulation that were formerly imposed by capitalist forces were internalised. As a consequence, a new form of power that operates through the mechanisms of self-control and self-optimisation came to the fore as noted by Byung-Chul Han in his book Burnout Society.

Thus, the achievement-subject gives itself over to compulsive freedom—that is, to the free constraint of maximizing achievement. Excess work and performance escalate into auto-exploitation. This is more efficient than allo-exploitation, for the feeling of freedom attends it. The exploiter is simultaneously the exploited. Perpetrator and victim can no longer be distinguished.

Byung-Chul Han, The Burnout Society

We now live in a world where we are both the master and slave to ourselves. The dichotomy that extols fast living and relentless productivity as virtues while stigmatising slow living and leisure as vices is deeply entrenched in our society that it has become synonymous with the truth.

The Consequences of Fast Living

However, as we rush through life, striving to achieve our life, career and relationship goals by a certain age, we often spread ourselves too thin, leaving little time for friends and family. We seek quick intimacy with our partners and prefer the most time-efficient forms of entertainment. Perhaps, the most ironic of all is that we desire the fastest solution to slowing down in life, as author Carl Honore described in In Praise of Slow. 

What Is Slow Living? Is It Any Good?

“Slowness” frequently conjures negative images such as waiting in long queues, bureaucratic inefficiencies and unproductive work processes. It sometimes also carries the negative connotation of societal regression, suggesting a reluctance to embrace modern conveniences.

However, slowing down in life does not mean getting the short end of the stick compared with a fast-paced lifestyle. Slowing down does not entail a return to a non-technological era marked by resistance to change. It also does not require giving up on modern conveniences such as fast food, rapid transportation or instant communication, nor does it imply turning a blind eye to career opportunities.

slow living and enjoying life

What is Slow Living?

Slow living is an intentional and conscious choice to embrace an unhurried and reflective way of life.

It is in Honore’s words, having control of “the rhythms of your own life” or having the say of not only how but when to slow down in life.

“Being Slow means that you control the rhythms of your own life. You decide how fast you have to go in any given context. If today I want to go fast, I go fast; if tomorrow I want to go slow, I go slow. What we are fighting for is the right to determine our own tempos.” 

Carl Honoré, In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed

In doing so, we grant ourselves the time to recharge and strike a balance in the hyper-accelerated life, consequently leading to greater productivity, improved overall well-being, more prudent decision-making, higher quality of life and relationships, and even a reduced risk of heart disease.

A good starting point is to become less neurotic about time, refraining from multitasking when it is appropriate, such as during meals, while spending quality time with loved ones or while resting, and having the courage to embrace moments of boredom and be comfortable with them.

Persuading Malaysians on the merits of slowing down is merely the start. A transition towards a mentally healthy society that sees the beauty and values of slow living will remain a challenge until we overhaul the regulations that influence nearly every aspect of life, including governance, the economy, the workplace, education, healthcare and others.

Live Love Labour Festival 2023

However, the movement towards a slower, more consciously paced lifestyle is gaining momentum. The Live Love Labour Festival: The Art of Bersantai, Malaysia’s first Festival of Slow Living, which was held recently is a fine example.

Final Thoughts

sloth - symbol of slow living

In a world hurtling forward at a breakneck speed, it is time for us to join the movement advocating for the value of slow living and unleash our inner sloth that has long been suppressed.

Originally published on the commentary section of The Sun Daily on October 24, 2023.