Malaysian Philosophy Society Community

Thinkers Community - The Practical Philosophy Community in Malaysia

The place where thinkers, philosophy enthusiasts and curious minds gather and create meaningful discussions and connections in Malaysia.

Malaysian Philosophy Society Community
International Think Big Summit

Meet Like-Minded Individuals

Our Thinkers community spreads across Telegram and Discord. Gain lifetime access to a network of like-minded people where you can bounce ideas, ask questions and forge meaningful friendships.

Valuable Philosophy Resources

We specialise in creating practical and accessible philosophy content. Gain access to quality practical philosophy resources including but not limited to articles, info packs as well as bite-sized content designed to benefit your life and career.

Members-Exclusive Events

Our members get the chance to participate in our monthly Thinkers Cafe and Media Club, as well as earn special offers and invitations to members-only events and programmes. 

Philosophy Career Opportunities

As Malaysia’s first and official philosophy body, we always work towards providing career opportunities to philosophy enthusiasts that are otherwise non-existent, including speaking engagement, publication and content creation opportunities. 

Thinkers Cafe

Our members meet on the Saturdays of the final week of every month for stimulating Socratic dialogue style discussions on practical issues in life and society. Join us to engage in thought-provoking conversations, challenge your perspectives, and make a difference!

We use the Socratic dialogue method in our practical philosophy discussions. The following framework is inspired by both Eastern and Western researchers and organisations including The Philosophy Foundation, ThinkerAnalytix, Kasper Rasmussen (2017), Leslie Stevenson (1970), Hashim Rosnani’s Hikmah Programme, and is refined after years of conducting practical philosophy dialogues within Malaysian context:

  1. Concept/Problem Definition: Participants explore their understanding of a topic/problem/concept. The discussion typically begins with a real-world problem related to the participants. 
  1. Clarification: Participants clarify the terminologies they use in the discussion.
  1. Assumption Probing: Participants challenge existing assumptions and biases. 
  1. Evidence Probing: Participants explore supporting evidence or examples of the participants’ perspectives and views.
  1. Objections Anticipation: Participants evaluate their arguments and consider potential objections to their views or arguments.
  1. Evaluation: Participants continue the process of evaluation and consider further consequences and implications of their views. 
  1. Reflection: Participants reflect on the purpose of the discussion.
  1. Action Proposal: Participants discuss on applications and potential solutions to the problem discussed. 


Hikmah Programme: Hashim, Rosnani. 2017. “P4C in the Context of Muslim Education.” In History, theory and practice of philosophy for children: international perspectives, edited by Saeed Naji and Rosnani Hashim, 170-179. Oxon/New York: Routledge.

Kasper Rasmussen: Rasmussen, Kasper L. 2017. “Nature of Practical Philosophy.” In A Companion to Applied Philosophy. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 10.1002/9781118869109.ch1.

Leslie Stevenson: Stevenson, Leslie. 1970. “Applied Philosophy.” Meta Philosophy 1 (3): 256-267.

The Philosophy Foundation: 


© Malaysian Philosophy Society 2022

ROS Registration: PPM-013-10-06042017